Hey everyone! With winter creeping it's way in, we figured it’s a good time to talk about fireplaces. Fireplaces in homes can make a room feel cozy, especially during the winter. Fireplaces add beautiful aesthetics and warmth to a home. We live in Texas and a fireplace is a must for us. Although we don’t get near as cold as other states in the winter it is still nice to have a fireplace for those cold days. Some people don’t like the upkeep of a fireplace or maybe don’t see the purpose of having one since you can only use it during the winter. We want to discuss all aspects of fireplaces and maybe open your eyes to how a fireplace can work in your home, even all year long.
What do you picture when you hear the word fireplace? A large wood-burning firebox with brick or stone masonry chimney, a mantel, the sound of wood crackling, and the smell of the wood-burning filling the room. This is a traditional fireplace that has been used for ages in homes. As time continues we have seen the evolution of gas fireplaces and now electric fireplaces. Each type of fireplace has its pros and cons. Evaluate all your options when deciding what type of fireplace is best for you.

The classic wood-burning fireplace is just that, classic. You have all the senses working with this one. The look of the beautiful flames, the sound of the crackling wood, smell as it burns, feel of the heat, and if you want to roast chestnuts or marshmallows you can even get a taste! A downside to these fireplaces is the amount of work they take. Before you can use these fireplaces you need to be sure the chimney is cleaned, the damper is functional and there is enough airflow in the room. You must have wood, kindling, or Firestarter logs. You need a protective screen to be sure any astray embers don’t make their way into the room. These fires can’t be put out easily if you need to leave. And of course, there is the clean up of ashes after the fire is out. Several people don’t mind all the work because they want the overall experience of classic wood-burning fireplaces.
Now, if you think “that is way too much work for me” but want to enjoy real flames perhaps you should consider a gas fireplace. Gas fireplaces have fire-safe logs so you still have the look of wood-burning but have no clean up after use. You can easily start a fire and turn it off whenever you want. A gas fireplace has its downfalls as well. You won’t get the smell or crackle a wood-burning fireplace provides. A gas line and proper ventilation are required. When you have gas anywhere in the home you must also be aware of Carbon Monoxide. You must not use real wood logs in a gas fireplace. You will notice an increase in your gas bill when using your fireplace. A gas fireplace may work for you if you want the realism of a fire without clean up, just remember there is still slight maintenance.
Electric fireplaces are for the complete maintenance-free fireplace experience. Electric fireplaces are extremely versatile. Some units can be inserted into a wall or fit into a firebox. If you have limited space there are TV stands with an integrated fireplace. You can even get small electric stove styles that are lightweight and can be moved from room to room easily. Electric fireplaces only require an outlet. There is no cleanup or regular maintenance. The major con to electric fireplaces is you sacrifice your look and classic fireplace experience. Technology today has done a great job in creating lifelike flames and I bet one day there may be some that simulate the crackling sound. Another thing to remember is one day the heating element will burn out and need to be replaced. Since it is electric you will notice your electric bill will be higher depending on how often and how high you have your fireplace heater on. Most electric fireplaces have several modes for instance running the flames without the heat allowing you to enjoy the fireplace year-round. Imagine sitting and enjoying a fire in the middle of summer. Electric fireplaces have different colors for flames, crystals, logs. Whatever suits your fancy.